C.A.R. – The New Physiotherapist
Adeline was my new physiotherapist. A rangy, dark-haired young woman. She did not vibrate to the same frequency Kenny had. No one could. She had a soft voice and a sweet nature. I thought I would spend months with her. I didn’t.
I had just four sessions with her.
That first session she did a thorough, over all assessment. Concentrating on my right ankle and my neck.
“When did your spine doc take your Aspen collar off?”
“October twentieth, “ I said.
“Did he give you any exercises to do”
“Yes, he gave me about a half a dozen. I’ve been doing them every day.”
“Good. Show me”, she said.
I showed her the exercises Dr. Bouchard had assigned me. The neck twisty stretches. Pushing the side of my head against the palm of my hand. Rocking the head and neck back gently. All the exercises.
“Great”, she said in that soft voice of hers. “Keep doing them. I don’t see any reason to add anything.”
“That’s it for today. Next time we’ll focus on that ankle.”
And, we did. The next times we saw each other the focus of our work was my right ankle.
An excerpt from CRASH! Memories of a Healing Journey, All Rights Reserved, Lyle T. Lachmuth