
It’s Never Just One Thing

When you are dealing with non-specific pain like that associated with fibromyalgia, lupus, MS, nerve damage, and others — it usually takes more than a pretty pink pill to end it.

I’ve been grappling with severe, lengthy episodes of pain since the Fall of 2002.

And, I’ve tried a lot of things to make that pain go away…. far, far away.

I was just updating my daily health log this morning when I realized that I hadn’t experienced any severe pain episodes, of any length, since January 1st.


How come?

Putting aside all the work I did last year…and the year before… and the year before that…

Here’s what I believe made the difference. Not one thing, but several.

1) At Christmas I had a REAL break…no clients, no demands, no Internet, lots of sleep, naps, rest, and walks in the early morning, alone.

2) January 1st I revised my daily practices… see this post for the details. My three daily practices are now:

  1. Write first thing — either in my diary or in my Blogs
  2. Stretch — stretch physically and mentally
  3. Listen — to my body, to what’s callig me, and to ALL of me (all those little voices inside)

These changes, added to the work I did last year have brought me to a place where I am free of severe myalgia.

And, I KNOW, I’ll stay that way… as long as I keep up my practices..