Category: What works


A New Year’s Practice

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My  current newsletter  talks about replacing resolutions with practices.

My morning’s walk is a time for exercise, reflection, dreaming, and planning. This morning it occured to me that what had made a real difference in my pain level were the practices I had instituted. So, I thought to ask my inner guides what the #1 practice for this new year ought to be.

The answer: "Listen to your body" was whispered in a soft, quiet, barely discernable voice — what irony!

Simple answer. Hard to do.

Well, at least for me.

I tend to live in the world of intuition: possiblities, dreams, the future and anything but the here and now. Nothing wrong with that, except when I don’t pay attention to what I need NOW.

Hence, my inner guides advice: Listen.

But how?

One, way to listen is to first ask. So, everym morning, at least, I ask my body  what it needs. It tells me!

Another way to listen is to take a deep breath, move into my body and out of my head, and just move through the parts of me.

This year I know I will find more ways…

And, I will share them with you.


Give It A Rest

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I’m just back from four days in beautiful Lake Louise .

Four days of eating, resting, walking, eating — and, did I say resting?

I knew before I left that I was tired. But, I didn’t realize how tired I was until I slowed down.

How often has that happened to you?

Worse yet, how often have you slowed down, gone on vacation, only to get sick. It’s happened far too often for me — twice in the last 3 years!

Why is that?

Well, what seems to be true for me is that — even why I try to not push it, I do.

It seems to be my nature: Type A, Driver (Social Styles Inventory), Conductor (DiSC), high acheivement orientation. Whatever. I need to get thing done.

And, that can be a good thing.

But, the  downside is over-DO-ing.

So, I’m working on ways to DO more AND REST MORE!

I’ll keep you posted.