Category: Musings


The 4 Dimensions of Pain

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I’ve been thinking about this a long, long, long time.

Finally, today it hit me!

I’ve been SOOO focused on my physical pain that I neglected the fact that there are really 4 dimensions or aspects of pain. In fact, pain can come from 4 directions.

What are they?

  1. The first is obvious: Physical Pain. This  is the one we are most aware of. We skin our knee, do too much physical labour — and, we hurt.
  2. The second is just as common: Emotional Pain. But, this one we often deny. Until it really, really hurts — like when the divorce comes final or a loved one dies.
  3. The third is common too: Psychological Pain. Anyone who’s suffered severe trauma, knows this one.
  4. The fourth hurts just as much: Spiritual Pain. But, we often don’t realize it. This comes when we fail to exercise our God Given Gifts.

Next up, The 4 Dimensions of Healing Pain


Dancing With My Muse

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I wrote this post about "Dancing with My Muse" over at Creative Careers Unleashed.

It’s got me thinking about the relationship between pain and pleasure.

I’ve noticed that when I feel the building rush and tingle of sensual pleasure… and push it down, suppress it… then I immediately feel the crush of myalgic pain.

I wonder how much this has to do with being abused as a child.

Was pleasured followed by pain? Were they somehow inextricably linked?

Or, is the repression of fundamentalism that paints any hedonistic feelings as BAD?

I don’t know.

All I do know is that when I breath and let the pleasure flow… the pain goes or doesn’t even come.
