Archive for January 2009


The Hardest Thing About Pain

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Some days I think it was easier when I was in pain every day.

Bone grinding pain every day sucks no question. But, it's harder for me constantly shifting from pain to no pain and back to pain again.

Take today for instance. (PLEASE take it!)

My pain went away yesterday about 11 in the morning. And, I had a good afternoon. Even got some small changes made to my website.

Then I woke up this morning feeling like I'd been run over by a semi. Achy all over and tired as sin.

And, it's that shifting from no pain to pain that I find immensely discouraging; particularly since these days it seems to be happening every other day. I don't know if the pain feels worse because I'd gotten my hopes up a teeny tiny bit or because it really is worse.

Then of course my rational scientific brain. or at least the part of my brain that still is, kicks in and tries to figure out THE REASON. Why pain today and not yesterday? What did I do wrong? What didn't I do that I 'should' have?

It's probably the damn weather: it's Chinooking again. Massive pressure shifts and a 20 degree F temperature shift from yesterday. And, if it IS that what the heck can I do about it? Move? Hardly. So, it's ride it out — AGAIN!


Some Things Don’t Always Work

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This will be quick as I've been in major pain all day.

Today illustrates one of those 'evil' principles of dealing with Fibro. Namely, what helped before may not help today.

A lot of times if I soak in a very hot bath (with Epsom salts); that soaking seems to trigger an end to the pain.

Not today though. In fact, I had two good long hot soaks and the pain has stayed steady at the top of the pain meter.

And, that's just one of the frustrating things about this condition … never knowing if a remedy will work or not. So, I just have to give it a try and see what happens.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I think I'll just flop in the recliner and distract myself with a movie.