Archive for January 2006


A New Year’s Practice

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My  current newsletter  talks about replacing resolutions with practices.

My morning’s walk is a time for exercise, reflection, dreaming, and planning. This morning it occured to me that what had made a real difference in my pain level were the practices I had instituted. So, I thought to ask my inner guides what the #1 practice for this new year ought to be.

The answer: "Listen to your body" was whispered in a soft, quiet, barely discernable voice — what irony!

Simple answer. Hard to do.

Well, at least for me.

I tend to live in the world of intuition: possiblities, dreams, the future and anything but the here and now. Nothing wrong with that, except when I don’t pay attention to what I need NOW.

Hence, my inner guides advice: Listen.

But how?

One, way to listen is to first ask. So, everym morning, at least, I ask my body  what it needs. It tells me!

Another way to listen is to take a deep breath, move into my body and out of my head, and just move through the parts of me.

This year I know I will find more ways…

And, I will share them with you.